Port of Seattle Commission (Pos. 4) – Brooks Salazar

Candidate Questionnaire

1. Your name

Brooks Salazar

2. Candidate for:

Seattle Port Commissioner #4
Party Affiliation: Democrat

3. Campaign information

4. If elected, what positive changes will you champion that will benefit the 31st LD?

1. Increase the community fund. It is a fund that only gets one million dollars to be shared with all cities in King County (except Seattle). Push for district elections, as I believe every community should have representation on the Port Commission. Vote to allow the SODO Arena because our tax dollars to should be spent on schools, roads, and housing, not to a corporate basketball team.

5. What are the three most critical issues you expect to encounter in the office you are seeking?

A. Public Accountability – ( checks and balances need to be placed in the Ports governing structure)
B. Labor disputes
C. Expanding use and population growth with lack of room to grow.

6. Please give us an example of when you had to a make a critical decision that, due to its impact on others, was difficult. Tell us why you made your decision and what, if any, actions you took to mitigate any negative results.

When I negotiated the largest state labor contract during the recession. With 45,000 jobs on the line, no money in the budget, and a federal right to work case making its way through the courts getting a good contract for my members was absolutely needed as a strike would have harmed our state and communities.

The decisions to not push for wage increases and to keep as many people working as possible was what I decided to do. My members had gone 6 years with no wage increases and were tired falling behind. Wage increases would have led to 10 to 15 percent across the board reductions and I would not allow more people to fall into disparity by losing their jobs and homes.

The actions I took to mitigate was to insure the my members who were so low on the pay scale would get subsidized healthcare, free public transit to help the cost of driving and parking at work, and increased the wages of the lowest paid staff to insure the state was not paying their staff so little that they qualified for foods stamps ( working poor).

7. What methods will you employ to communicate with your constituency on a regular basis?

A. Social Media in a professional manner not in a Trump way.
B. Going to LD meetings
C. Moving Port meetings to the evenings to allow working people the ability to see their government work and voice their concerns.

8. What other information would you like us to consider?


I declare under penalty of perjury the foregoing is true and correct.

Signed at: Seattle, WA

Signature: Brooks Salazar

Additional Information

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