Why Are You a Democrat?

At this time in our country’s history, when what side we’re on truly matters, and when the personal cost of taking sides is so high, I think it’s important that each of us know, truly in our hearts, what our party stands for, and whether it resonates with our core…

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Holiday Potluck Party 2017

Instead of a meeting for December, we will be holding our annual holiday potluck this month. Please join us on Friday, December 15 at 6:00 PM at the Buckley Grange (27725 Sumner Buckley Hwy, Buckley, WA 98321). This party will feature: Camaraderie as we come together to celebrate a year…

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Meeting Minutes – November 29, 2017

31st L.D. Democrats General Meeting November 29th, 2017, 7pm Edgewood Fire Station  Meeting was called to order at 7pm by Chair Brian Gunn followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. M/S/C to approve agenda, as amended. Approval of Minutes: (Britt Kauffman) 10/25/17 General Meeting – M/S/C to approve as submitted 11/1/17 Executive Board Meeting…

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