I-940 “De-Escalate Washington” Initiative
The 31st District Democrats have endorsed I-940: “De-Escalate Washington”.
Attention: General Meeting Changes for 2017
Due to Thanksgiving, November’s meeting will be held on Wednesday, Nov 29. Also, join us on Friday, December 15 at the Marion Grange for our annual Holiday Party in lieu of a General Meeting. Stay tuned for further details!
Meeting Agenda – Oct 25, 2017
31ST LD DEMOCRATS – MEETING AGENDA, OCT 25, 2017 CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE (Chair) READ/APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Britt Kauffman) Eboard, Oct 4 General meeting, Sep 27 TREASURER’S REPORT (Rudy Adams) GUEST SPEAKERS Candidates and elected officials Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action – Dorene Carrel OFFICERS’ REPORTS Chair Vice Chairs…
Keep Pierce Blue Recap
The 31st LD was well-represented at Pierce County Democratic Central Committee’s event, “Keep Pierce Blue” on Oct. 6. We filled two 10-person tables, and our own State Senate candidate, Michelle Rylands, got a shout-out from special guest Senator Maria Cantwell!