State Superintendant of Public Instruction – Chris Reykdal
During the August 26, 2020 general meeting, the 31st District Democrats body voted to endorse Chris Reykdal for State Superintendant of Public Instruction. They voted to waive the Questionnaire requirement; see the August 26 meeting minutes for more information.
Referendum 90
Initiative or Levy Contact Information Endorsement Requester: Approve R-90 Safe and Healthy Youth WA Contact Phone: 3607084750 Website: Twitter: @approve90wa Facebook: Would you be willing to speak to members of the 31st Legislative District Democrats about this initiative? Yes Initiative or Levy Information Title Endorse an approve vote on Referendum…
Meeting Minutes – August 26, 2020
August 26, 2020 VIRTUAL 31st LD General Meeting Minutes (via ZOOM) ZOOM Host: 31st LD Chair, Brian Gunn Approval of Agenda: M/S/P We recorded this meeting. The recording is available here: (TBD) Adopted July 22 Meeting Minutes: M/S/P Guest Speakers Chris Reykdal – Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (Incumbent)…
Meeting Minutes – July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020 31st LD General Meeting Minutes (via ZOOM) ZOOM Host: 31st LD Chair, Brian Gunn Attendees: Brian Gunn, Rudy Adams, Sarah Edwards, Mark Boswell, Mark Dunning, Ingrid Curtis, Alli Pincas, Dan Pincas, John Westland, Donna DeProspo, Robin Macnofsky, Tamara Stramel, Kathy Lorimer, Whit Worcester, Linda Rutenburg, Julian…