Executive Board Minutes – October 3rd, 2018
31st L.D. Democrats Executive Board October 3rd, 2018, 7 pm Bonney Lake Library Called to Order at 7:00pm by Chair Brian Gunn. A quorum of 11 board members were present. Program for October General Meeting: Possible outreach to Denny Heck campaign, Young Dems or phonebank were discussed. M/S/P to have…
Meeting Minutes – September 26, 2018
31st L.D. Democrats General Meeting September 26th, 2018, 7pm Edgewood Fire Station Meeting was called to order at 7pm by Chair Brian Gunn followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of Agenda: M/S/C to approve the agenda, as amended (Guest speakers added). Approval of Minutes: (Britt Kauffman) 8/22/18 General Meeting…
Meeting Agenda – September 26, 2018
CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE (7pm) APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Chair) READ/APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Britt Kauffman) Meeting Minutes – August 22, 2018 TREASURER’S REPORT (Rudy Adams) GUEST SPEAKERS (7:15): Mark Boswell, Candidate for State House, 31st Legislative District Nick Pennington, WA Democrats Coordinated Campaign OFFICERS’ & COMMITTEE REPORTS Chair Vice Chairs (King…
Presentation on Yes on 1631
Below is a presentation from our August general meeting on Initiative 1631, which will be on ballots in November! We endorsed I-1631 on August 22. “I-1631 proposes to clean pollution by putting a fee on the state’s largest polluters, the oil and gas industries, making sure that they’re paying their…