Meeting Agenda – September 26, 2018

CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE (7pm) APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Chair) READ/APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Britt Kauffman) Meeting Minutes – August 22, 2018 TREASURER’S REPORT (Rudy Adams) GUEST SPEAKERS (7:15): Mark Boswell, Candidate for State House, 31st Legislative District Nick Pennington, WA Democrats Coordinated Campaign OFFICERS’ & COMMITTEE REPORTS Chair Vice Chairs (King…

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Presentation on Yes on 1631

Below is a presentation from our August general meeting on Initiative 1631, which will be on ballots in November! We endorsed I-1631 on August 22. “I-1631 proposes to clean pollution by putting a fee on the state’s largest polluters, the oil and gas industries, making sure that they’re paying their…

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