Executive Board Minutes – July 3, 2018

31st L.D. Democrats Executive Board
July 3rd, 2018, 7 pm
Bonney Lake Library

Called to Order at 7:00pm by Chair Brian Gunn.  A quorum of 9 board members was present. 

Ideas were discussed for future speakers at general member meetings.  Various board members will follow up on recent topics introduced, including immigration; candidates, local bond issues & the state Grange.

Donna said she is hosting a house party for Shannon Hader on July 15th for local candidates.

Tim Lewis, Pierce Co Judge is requesting our endorsement at the next general meeting.

M/S/P to release $2000 donation to Mark Boswell campaign, pending establishment of account.

Looking for a candidate platform submission for our website.

Discussion of the need to create a Finance Committee to assist the Treasurer in meeting PDC requirements.  Considered different models and discussed available training.

Donna brought a draft of a candidate info flier.  After adding contact info, we’ll get it distributed to PCO’s for canvassing.

Due to unavailability of a meeting space, the August E-Board meeting is rescheduled for Aug. 8th at Bonney Lake Library.

Dan explained how he is able to link events to our associated social media sites for coordinated distribution.

M/S/C to adjourn at 8:02pm.

Submitted: Britt Kauffman, Secretary