31st L.D. Democrats Executive Board
November 1st, 2017, 7 pm
K.C. Democrats Office, Auburn
Called to Order at 7:00pm by Chair Brian Gunn. A quorum of 10 members were present.
Brian received a press inquiry regarding endorsements and consulted with the board on our response to unproven allegations during a campaign.
He also reported that the Rylands campaign had canvassed over 35,000 doors, made over 12,000 phone calls and donations remained strong. Momentum appears to be with her. Consensus was to join Rylands Election night watch party at Oddfellows.
Treasurer Report was distributed. No new donations are available for distribution, but we maintain a modest reserve.
Program/speaker ideas were discussed for upcoming general meetings. Possible topics include: More on the opioid crisis response, local impact of human trafficking, homelessness locally. Brian will try to secure a November speaker from the Pierce Co. Young Democrats or King Co. Legislative & Political Action Division.
We discussed best options for general meeting dates for 2018. Kirby confirmed the EPFR station was available. It was decided to keep the 4 th Wednesday, but to try to find an alternative Secretary, when a conflict arose.
M/S/C to adjourn at 7:40pm.
Submitted: Britt Kauffman, Secretary