Meeting Minutes – October 25, 2017

31st L.D. Democrats General Meeting
October 25th, 2017, 7pm
Edgewood Fire Station

Meeting was called to order at 7pm by Chair Brian Gunn followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  M/S/C to approve agenda, as amended.

Approval of Minutes: (Britt Kauffman)

Treasurer Report: (Rudy Adams)

M/S/C to approve 9/1/17-10/16/17 Treasurer Report as submitted.  Synced with PDC reporting timeline requirements.  Update given on PDC reporting inquiry; declined by AGO!


  • John Urquhart, King Co Sheriff, Campaign update
  • Chris Farringer, Rylands for State Senate campaign
  • Loretta Gutierrez-Sacks & Chester Earl, Initiative 940, De-Escalate Wash.
  • Bob Swanson & Tim Burns, PSARA, “Just Scrap the Cap” campaign

Officer Reports


Ballots have dropped!  Still a lot of undecided voters & this is the last chance to move their vote.  We’ve done a lot to ID voters through canvassing, cleaned lists and improved contacts.  We have the candidates out on the doors and have transitioned to GOTV with events listed on the candidate’s webpage.  LD 31 is receiving outside contributions supporting these races.  Momentum is on our side!

Vice Chair

Plug into the campaigns any way you can: canvass, phonebank, etc.

Pierce Co. Dems

Kirby & Stephanie discussed the issues facing the Pierce County Dems, including their PDC review.  They are stable and fluid, but will need significant fundraising over the next year.  Meeting on 11/9 @ IBEW hall to discuss 2018 Legislative agenda.

Committee Reports


Sarah: We now have 104 members signed.

Voter Registration

Had good response at fairs & libraries this summer.  Good youth outreach as well.


We need to schedule events for 2018.  Recurring donation have plateaued, please consider increasing.

Old Business

Kirby encouraged members to become members of the Democratic Resistance.

New Business

November General Meeting has been moved to Wednesday, November 29th.

December Holiday Party scheduled for Friday, December 15th.  Food assignments will be posted on the webpage.

M/S/C to donate $500 to Rylands senate campaign.

M/S/C to give organizational endorsement to I-940, “De-Escalate Washington” campaign.

Good & Welfare

Discussion of regular meeting date change for 2018.  Options will be open to straw poll on website & will revisit at November meeting.

Brayden Olson announced his candidacy for the 8th C.D. to replace Dave Reichert.

M/S/C to adjourn at 9:00pm.

Submitted: Britt Kauffman, Secretary

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