Executive Board Minutes – September 6, 2017

31st L.D. Democrats Executive Board
September 6th, 2017, 7 PM
K.C. Democrats Office, Auburn

Before the meeting, Melissa gave a brief presentation of “VoterCircle” as a tool to reach friends in a social media contact list to promote campaigns. Also, said they were promoting house parties for Michelle.

Called to Order at 7:00pm by George McKay for Chair Brian Gunn (Excused).  Roll was called and there was a quorum of 10 members present.

Kirby brought up the inability to update VoteBuilder from the field.  He will pursue a solution at the state convention this week with the Administrator.

George gave a report from Brian on the response to the PDC complaint.  We are awaiting a response.  Kudos given to Kathy and Rudy for keeping our records in such good order, which made responding much easier

Treasurer Report: Attached.  Rudy explained an issue that resulted from how ActBlue’s monthly statement interfered with our PDC reporting.  He also reported that he expects the Exempt account should be vacated within a month.

General Mtg. Speakers:  Attempting to secure a speaker on the opioid epidemic.  Kirby may also share his experience working with an opioid task force recently.  There are also several candidates wishing to address the general body.

Communication; Allison reminded us that she is always looking for contributions.  Newsletter will hopefully be out next week.  She also is running for Edgewood City Council and requested access to L.D. 31’s member database.

M/S/C to allow Allison access to the L.D. 31 Master List from Sarah.

Fundraising:  Daniel said that the 24th L.D. has expressed interest in contributing to the November Special Election to help turn the Senate in the 31st.  Allison will draft a position statement for their consideration.

Old Business:  Kirby gave an overview of the summer’s events and shared that there were a lot of positive conversations and outreach.  The Executive Board thanked Kirby for his dedication to those events.

New Business:  House party for Michelle Rylands, 9/19/17 at Donna’s house.  Hoping to get 25 attendees and donations.

Keep Pierce Blue” tickets on sale; $60/ea, $100/pair, $500/table.  Oct. 6th at the Asian Pacific Center.  Contact Kirby.

M/S/C to adjourn at 8:00pm.

Submitted: Britt Kauffman, Secretary

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