31st L.D. 2018 Democratic Caucus
March 24th, 2018, 10am
Bonney lake High School
Caucus was convened at 10:15 by Chair Brian Gunn. Caucus rules stipulate that no business can occur until 11am.
- Shannon Hader, Candidate, 8th C.D. Senate
- D. 31 Fundraiser, “Dessert & Wine Bar,” Sat. May 6th, 2-5pm, Edgewood Gardens;
- Michael Beckendorf, Campaign Mgr., Dr. Kim Schrier, 8thD. Senate
- Kirby Pollard, State Committee; “Healthcare For All” petition
- Michelle Rylands, Candidate, 31stD. State Senate
Caucus was called to order at 11:00am by Chair Brian Gunn, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
The chair read a letter of welcome from Tina Podlodowski
The Chair made the following temporary appointments:
- Britt Kauffman, Secretary
- Mark Boswell, Parliamentarian
- George McKay, Sgt. At Arms
Initial Credential Report, Dan Pincas: M/S/A
- 15 registered, King County (Quorum: 5)
- 23 registered, Pierce County (Quorum: 7)
Adoption of Caucus Rules – M/S/A, as written.
Adoption of Caucus Agenda – M/S/A
Election of Permanent Chair: Brian Gunn, by acclamation.
Confirmed appointments of Secretary, Parliamentarian & Sgt. at Arms
Adjournment to Sub-Caucus: M/S/P to suspend rules for separate Chairs.
Appointment of Tally Committee:
- Mark Dunning
- John Westland
- Lucy Lowry
Election of Delegates: (2 min/each speaker)
Revised Delegate Report:
- 24 registered, Pierce County (Quorum: 8) M/S/A
Pierce County nominations: (4 Delegates/2 Alternates)
- Allison Pincas, F
- A.J. Sekeres, M
- Donna DeProspo, F
- Chris Surber, M
- Dan Pincas, M
- Sue Anderson, F
Delegates: Allison Pincas, Donna DeProspo, Chris Surber, Dan Pincas
Alternates: A.J. Sokoros, Sue Anderson
Final Delegate Report: M/S/A
- 16 registered, King County (Quorum: 5)
- 24 registered, Pierce County (Quorum: 8)
King County nominations: (2 Delegates/1 Alternate)
- Anne Hiles, F
- Larry Brown, M
- Michelle Rylands, F
- Cindy Ehlke, F
- Marina Hiles, F
- George McKay, M (Withdrawn)
Delegates: Anne Hiles, Larry Brown
Alternate: Cindy Ehlke
- Line 207: M/S/F to strike
- Line 290-293: Grammar correction noted
M/S/P, as submitted
M/S/P to adjourn at 12:40pm.
Submitted: Britt Kauffman, Secretary