Meeting Minutes – April 24, 2019

 31st L.D. Democrats General Meeting
April 24, 2019, 7pm
Edgewood Fire Station

Meeting was called to order at 7pm by Vice Chair Allison Pincas followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Agenda:

  • M/S/C to approve the agenda, as amended.

Approval of Minutes:

WSDCC Code of Conduct Reflection

  • WSDCC Code of Conduct
  • Members should keep in mind that decisions they make will often affect others in the community

Treasurer Report: (Rudy Adams)

  • Rudy provided the Treasurer’s Report. M/S/C to approve as-is.
  • Finance and Budget Committee met and provided report.
  • Audit team is trying to get together for 1st quarterly audit.


  • Judge Michael K. Ryan – King County Superior Court Judge, Pos. 37; Seeking Endorsement
  • Terique Scott – Outreach Director for Balance Our Tax Code – Status Update
    • Session in Olympia ends April 28th
    • Call to action: Give your senators or house reps a call to share your support for a capital gains tax.
    • Specifically, Senators in 5th LD (Senator Mark Mullet), 1st LD (Senator Guy Palombo), 36th LD (Senator Ruben Carlyle), Longview Senator Talko and Hobbs (21st LD)
    • Will come back in May meeting to give an update

Officer & Committee Reports:

Chair (Given by Vice Chair Allison Pincas):
  • SB 5116 Passed the house and Senate
    • Fortunato, Irwin, Stokesbary all voted NO
    • How can we get residents of the 31st to understand the benefits?
Vice Chair (Allison Pincas and Sarah Edwards):
  • No report
Outreach (Donna DeProspo):
  • All applications are in to all fairs
  • We will be in the Tacoma Pride fair with the PC Dems! July 13th and 14th
  • We will have brochures with dates of 31st Fairs
  • First fair will be Buckley Log Show in June (June 29th)
Fundraising (Ingrid Curtis):
  • Garage Sale is coming along!
  • Have more things coming in and keep coming in (big items, tools, etc)
  • Sign-up sheet going around to work the event, Friday and Saturday
  • Friday the 10th is drop-off date. Wednesday and Thursday also. At the Grange.
  • Flyers are being created
  • Garage Sale is on May 11
  • We also need two or three floor-walkers to walk the floor and reduce the price
Washington State Democratic Central Committee:
  • (No reps present at monthly meeting)
  • Vote was in favor of the state-run Primary
PCDCC Rep (Linda Rutenberg):
  • Got an update about the WSDCC Meeting
    • 121 for Primary, 40 for Caucus, 8 Abstentions
    • Support of Green New Deal
  • Pierce County elected new assistant treasurer.
  • Resolution for I-1000 to reinstate affirmative action.
  • Tabled until June: Calling for Washington State Federal Taxes on Aggregate Value of Stocks and Bonds. Tabled due to too many questions. Kathy asked for members to send her questions so they could be collected and would be looked at again in June.
  • Subleasing space at IBEW for better coordination with Washington State Democrats
  • More coordinated efforts between LDs
  • Third Saturday of every month, meeting of LD Chairs, might be increasing to more than one per month
  • Effort to fill all precincts with PCOs
  • Opportunity to work with Pierce County Democrats on coordinated effort to fill precincts in 31st District
KCDCC Rep (Marina Hiles):
  • Main chunk was on the Finance Committee report.
    • Overview of the King County Democrats’ 2019 Budget, Adoption
  • Review of Roberts’ Rules of Order. How to present questions and motions. Got heated.
  • High school student promoted engagement in campaigns. Talked about encouraging young HS students to get involved in campaigning.
    • Talked about some of the obstacles faced / suggestions
    • Shasti suggested we contact her if we want more information
Communications (Tamara Stramel):
  • Kim Schrier is having a coffee talk on Thursday, April 25 in Wenatchee at the Mela Coffee Roaster’s
Website (Dan Pincas):
  • No update
PCO Coordinator (Jan Furey):
  • Went to a great PCO and Volunteer Training event on April 13th
  • King County has a schedule of things
  • VoteBuilder training
  • There’s another one on Saturday, April 27th in Auburn, and Sunday, April 28th in Tacoma. Bring your laptop. Jan Furey can provide information.
  • Getting close to where we need to start getting PCOs active and expanding.
  • Need to coordinate with website committee chair to get more of the Precinct Area information on the website, including Precinct Leads.
  • King County Precinct Information; can help get information on people who have volunteered in prior campaigns in order to recruit PCOs.
  • Real work is to start calling and recruiting. Maybe set up an informational meeting, coffee, talk about some of the issues. Will need volunteers.
  • Recruitment Letter for PCOs that we will post on our website.
  • Canvassing script once we get some more PCOs recruited.
Old Business:
  • If any
New Business:
  • Endorsement of Judge Michael K. Ryan; M/S/C to endorse.
Good & Welfare:
  • Reminder to suggest good of the order items.

M/S/C to adjourn at 8:20pm.

Submitted: Dan Pincas, Acting as Backup Secretary

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