31st L.D. Democrats General Meeting
February 22, 2017, 7pm
Edgewood Fire Station
Meeting was called to order at 7pm by Chair Brian Gunn.
Introduction of Guest Speakers:
- Marcie Maxwell, “Perspectives, Policies, Budgets…and McCleary”
- Sarah Perry, Wash. 8th C.D. Democrats, “Working to Defeat Dave Richert”
Approval of Minutes:
- 1/7/17 Re-Organization Meeting
- M/S/C to approve
- 1/25/17 General Meeting
- M/S/C to approve
- 2/7/17 Executive Board Meeting
- M/S/C to approve
Treasurer Report:
Rudy Adams explained recording requirements to PDC and described new ACT BLUE membership account service. M/S/C to approve January Treasurer Report.
Officer Reports:
Brian gave a brief overview of the political landscape; 31st L.D. being seen as potential change agent in ’17 Special election; Considering all potential candidates; Virtual phonebank with ActBlue system has helped raise over $1000 in last 2 weeks with 195 calls made so far; Training on Virtual Phonebank set for 2/26 at Sumner Library at 2:30pm & 3/30 at Auburn Library; Urged to share donation page with friends to help us be competitive.
Vice Chairs:
Angel: Applications for candidates are being sent out. Open solicitation for interested potential candidates. Developing a PCO info card as a new tool.
Chris: Encouraged everyone to keep promoting the 31st L.D. Democrats!
State Committee:
Kirby: State Crabfeed, 3/5, has been sold out. Fishfeed for P.C. Dems, 4/1 at Fife ILWU Hall still available; Tina Podlodowski elected Chair at Statewide mtg; Process for future Dem primary still to be decided.
Stephanie: Meeting was well attended by PCO’s. Members are encouraged to support and volunteer for phonebanking.
Kirby: 31st L.D is being seen as a change agent for the state. Grassroots Forum Training on 3/5. RSVP at Clover Park CC.
Meeting scheduled for next week. Sarah said there is a “Community Action Kickoff” & Committee Resource Meeting on 2/26, 1-5 at the Seattle Machinist Hall.
Committee Reports:
Donna: Requesting funds for fair registration. Considering Auburn, Bonney Lake & Edgewood fairs. M/S/C for $150 be allocated for registration. Template for PCO doorhangers was shown. Will be made into PDF for use.
Candidate Recruitment:
Sarah: Enumclaw Council seat is open. Urged interested members to step up for consideration.
Sarah: 45 members signed up. $2373 in donation received to date.
Most recent newsletter looked great! Thanks, Allison!
Allison: Still building full P.R. team. Email list is approaching “free” limit of 2000 subscribers. M/S/C to pay $40 fee to Mailchimp if exceeded.
Daniel: Presented walkthrough of new 31st L.D. Democrats website. M/S/C to implement new site.
Old Business:
New Business:
Bob: Brought up need to look for larger, dependable meeting site. M/S/C to form search committee. Members are Bob, Donna, Corrianne and Allison. Committee will report back to body with suggestions.
Good of the Order:
Brian: Greg Clinkingbeard was given gift card in recognition of contribution to holiday party.
M/S/C to elect the following PCOs:
- Michelle Siebenaler 31-819
- Coreyann Kahn, 31-861
- Heather McKee, ENM 31-0413
M/S/C to adjourn at 9:07pm.