Update: Correction to the below standing rules. We have stricken section 2 of the “2018 8th CD Primary Election Endorsement Voting Rules” rules.
On the Wednesday, April 25, 2018 monthly meeting, members voted to adopt the following two sets of standing rules regarding endorsements. The first set is a general set of standing rules, and the second set applies specifically to the May 23, 2018 endorsement meeting.
Standing Rules regarding Endorsements
- Voting on endorsements will occur during the first General Meeting of the 31st LD Democrats following candidate filing week. Endorsements may also be considered at subsequent meetings prior to the General Election.
- Endorsements prior to candidate filing will be considered early endorsements, and should be limited to known Democrats seeking to retain their elected position and without a declared opponent running as a Democrat.
- If more than one Democrat declares candidacy for the same position in the U.S. House of Representatives, the 31st LD Democrats will endorse only one candidate in advance of the August Primary; motions for dual endorsements or endorsement of a second candidate for the same Congressional seat/year will be ruled out of order. In the event that an endorsed candidate does not proceed to the General Election, the 31st LD Democrats may vote to endorse another single candidate after the Primary and before the General Election.
- Only 31st LD Democrats members in good standing will be eligible to vote on endorsements. Members in good standing include 31st LD Democratic PCOs, elected and appointed (but not acting), and Democratic residents of the 31st Legislative District who have filled out a membership form and paid membership dues for the current calendar year at least 30 days prior to voting. Members who have paid dues for the current year less than 30 days prior to the Endorsement Meeting shall not be eligible to nominate or vote for endorsements unless they also paid dues and were considered a member in good standing in the prior calendar year.
2018 8th CD Primary Election Endorsement Voting Rules
- Voters who are present at the May 23, 2018, Endorsement Meeting must sign in prior to 7:30 PM on the day of the meeting, at which point they will receive an Official Ballot packet (including a ballot of one color for the first vote, and a ballot of another color for a possible run-off).
Voters who are unable to attend the Endorsement Meeting may vote in absentia prior to the Meeting by fulfilling the following requirements:They must be a member in good standing (see above), or be a current Democratic PCO in the 31st LD.They must notify the District Chair of their vote (which will also count as a nomination) by mail or email.Emailed votes must be sent to (chair@31stdistrictdemocrats.org) no later than the day of the Endorsement Meeting at 12:00 Noon. The email address used must match the address on file for the member.Mailed votes must be sent to PO Box 161, Sumner, WA 98390 and be postmarked no later than Monday, May 14 to ensure adequate time is allowed for it to be received and counted.
Emailed votes must include the typed name of the voting member, which will count as a signature. Mailed votes must include the printed name and signature of the voter. Votes that do not contain the name and signature of the voter will be considered invalid and not counted.Absentee votes shall be for only one (1) candidate, but may include the name of one additional candidate in the event that a run-off, if necessary, does not include their first choice.Absentee votes may choose to include a short nomination/endorsement speech which may be read during the nominations portion of the Endorsement Meeting.Absentee votes shall be considered “present and voting” for the purposes of the credentials report and determination of the quorum for voting.Proxy voting shall not be allowed, per our By Laws.
- A credentials report will be given prior to voting at the Endorsement Meeting which will include the total number of voting members present, as well as the number required for quorum. For quorum, the total number of ballots cast must be equal to or greater than 30% of voting members present at the Endorsement Meeting.
- The Chair shall select a tally committee of no fewer than 3, and no more than 5, volunteers present at the Meeting. Tally Committee members shall retain their voting privileges.
- Upon commencing the Endorsement Meeting, single nominations by eligible voting members from the floor will be entertained.
- Nomination speeches shall be allowed and shall be limited to 2 minutes. Up to four (4) endorsement speeches (two for and two against, each speech not to exceed 1 minute) shall be allowed, provided that for each speaker in favor there is a speaker opposed, and for each speaker opposed there is a speaker in favor. The Chair, at their sole discretion, may reduce or extend the amount of speaking time, as long as all candidates are provided the same amount of time, based upon number of candidates and any other pertinent factors.
- Upon closing of nominations, all nominated candidates’ names will be projected on a screen or written on a board so that all can see.
- The motions “to table” or “to postpone” shall be out of order at all times.
- Voting shall be done by written ballot.
- Valid votes must be cast on the Official Ballot handed out at sign-in and include the hand printed name of one (1) and only one of the nominated candidates, along with the signature of the voter.
- Votes which are not cast on an Official Ballot, and/or do not include the written name of a single nominated candidate, as well as the signature of the voter, will be considered invalid and will not be counted.
- Winning of the endorsement will be decided by simple majority. In the event that no candidate receives a 50% + 1 majority of the votes cast in the first ballot, a second balloting will take place with only the names of the two candidates receiving the most votes. In the case of a tie in the run-off, the Chair will cast the deciding vote.