Governor – Jay Inslee
During the May 27, 2020 general meeting, the 31st District Democrats body voted to endorse Jay Inslee for Governor.
During the May 27, 2020 general meeting, the 31st District Democrats body voted to endorse Jay Inslee for Governor.
Legislative Questionnaire Candidate Information Candidate Name: Denny Heck Position Sought: Lt. Governor (Non-incumbent) Home Legislative District: 22 Democrat: Yes Campaign Information Manager or Point of Contact: Kelty Pierce Phone: +12532246641 Address: PO Box 235 Olympia, Website: Email: Facebook: Twitter: Part I – Candidate Background 1. Please briefly describe your qualifications, education, employment, community…
Judicial Questionnaire Candidate Information Candidate Name: Andrea Robertson Position Sought: King County Superior Court Judge – Pos. 13 (Non-incumbent) Home Legislative District: 46 Democrat: Judges and judicial candidates are prohibited by the Code of Judicial Conduct from stating a party affiliation. Campaign Information Manager or Point of Contact: Mary Ann Ottinger Phone: +1425-466-0619 Address: P.O. Box 27113,…
Judicial Questionnaire Candidate Information Candidate Name: G. Helen Whitener Position Sought: Supreme Court Pos #6 (Incumbent) Home Legislative District: 28 Democrat: Non-Partisian Judicial Candidate Campaign Information Manager or Point of Contact: Lynn Rainey Phone: +1253-222-3673 Address: PO. Box 23037, Seattle, WA 98102 Website: Email: Facebook: Justice G. Helen Whitener Twitter: Part I – Candidate Background 1. Please briefly…