Pierce County Democrats
Keep Pierce Blue
Honoring the 25th Anniversary
1992’s Year of the Woman
Friday, October 6, 2017
Asian Pacific Cultural Center
4851 South Tacoma Way
Tacoma, WA 98409
Kris “Sonics Guy” Brannon |
Pat McCarthy WA State Auditor Elected to School Board 1992 |
T’wina Fields Franklin |
Doors open at 6 PM
Dinner at 7 PM
Buy your tickets now!
$60 per individual / $100 per couple / $500 to host a table of 10
Unable to attend? Be recognized as a sponsor!
$100 Bronze Level / $250 Silver Level / $500 Gold Level / $1000 Platinum Level
Would you like to donate an auction item?
This event is a fundraiser and we’ll be holding an auction. Popular items include a weekend at a timeshare, lunch with an elected leader, baskets of goodies and political memorabilia or just use your imagination…
Please contact Janet Thiessen at janetthiessen39@hotmail.com or 253.320.9446 with your donation.
Please promote this event everywhere you can! It’s a fundraiser. The Pierce County Democrats did not hold a traditional fundraiser in 2016. Our organization needs to raise money for operational costs and pending PDC fines. We need funds to fulfill the mission of supporting LDs and PCOs. We need funds to take that lead role in recruiting and supporting Democratic candidates for county, federal and state-wide offices.
Thank you for your support.
Additional Opportunities to Help Out
- Set Up / Clean Up – Kirby Pollard – kirbytp@comcast.net – 253.863.5302
- Decorations – Joanne Babic – babic_joanne@yahoo.com – 253.3049581
You can download a flyer for this event by clicking here.