31st L.D. Democrats General Meeting
September 27th, 2017, 7pm
Edgewood Fire Station
Meeting was called to order at 7pm by Chair Brian Gunn followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. M/S/C to approve agenda, as amended.
Approval of Minutes: (Britt Kauffman)
- 7/26/17 General Meeting M/S/C to approve as submitted
- 8/2/17 Executive Board Meeting M/S/C to approve as submitted
- 9/6/17 Executive Board Meeting M/S/C to approve as submitted
Treasurer Report: (Rudy Adams)
M/S/C to approve 7/25-8/31 Treasurer Report as submitted. Special acknowledgement to Rudy and Kathy Lorimer for the high quality of financial record keeping we’ve enjoyed in recent years!
- Ranjit Kaur, S. King Co. Democrats Organizer
- Michelle Rylands, Candidate, State Senate, 31st L.D.: Campaign update
- Mike Fortacus, Strategist for Rylands campaign
- Nate Lowry, Candidate, Representative, 31st L.D.: Campaign update.
- Lucy Lowry, Candidate, Edgewood City Council
- Allison Pincas, Candidate, Edgewood City Council
- Britt Kauffman, Candidate, East Pierce Fire Commission
- Brayden Olson, 48th L.D. Young Democrats
- Jin-Ah Kim, Speaking on the national opioid crisis
- Jason Riterieser, Candidate, 8th District Representative
Officer Reports:
Chair: Brian emphasized the crucial role the 31st L.D. is in for the fight to take back the senate and building a stronger majority in the house. Urged members to build on the enthusiasm and keep canvassing the doors and phonebanking, reminding us that we’ll need to move that energy right through to the 2018 general election! Work continues on better messaging of democratic positions on taxes, from raising to “shifting the burden.”
P.C.D.C.C.: Kirby talked about the recent state Committee Convention held in Eastern Washington. He attended 3 different caucuses, including Technology, Disability and Environmental. Obstructionist tactics prevented a lot of progressive work to be completed. A new “Code of Conduct” was adopted and is being recommended for adoption by individual L.D.’s (see website). Party unity is being urged for greater success moving forward.
Ingrid said that officer elections were also discussed at the Convention. U.S. House Representative Maxine Waters also spoke and was great to hear. Veterans Caucus endorsed Michelle Rylands.
K.C.D.C.C.: Sarah: P.C.O. and VoteBuilder trainings are available by webinar. Please see her, if interested. Info on candidate forum for the Port of Seattle race will be posted.
Pierce Co. Dem’s: Kirby reported that they are under even more PDC scrutiny than us and leadership is working to head it off. “Keep Pierce Blue” fundraiser will be catered and held on 10/6 at the Asian Pacific Culture Center. Tickets: $50/ea. We have 1 table full and are working toward a second one.
Committee Reports:
Outreach/Fairs: Donna: Very active and successful summer events. A lot of positive outreach was achieved. Many thanks to all of the volunteers!
Fundraisisng: Allison/Daniel reported that L.D. 24 wants to contribute to our campaigns. Allison sent them a position paper outlining our platform. They approved $1000 and we are awaiting it.
Voter Registration: Lucy worked the state fair and each volunteer signed approximately 70 each!
Membership: Sarah: 3 new tonight. We now have 104 members signed!
Newsletter: Allison: Sue is offering relevant book reviews for the newsletter. Also including PDC activist info in recent editions.
Good & Welfare:
Members were encouraged to watch the Ken Burn’s Vietnam series. Wash. Candidate Action Network forum set for 10/3 on website
M/S/C to adjourn at 9:00pm.
Submitted: Britt Kauffman, Secretary