Yes on 1631
At the August 22, 2018 General Meeting, members of the 31st District Democrats voted to endorse Yes on 1631.
At the August 22, 2018 General Meeting, members of the 31st District Democrats voted to endorse Yes on 1631.
At the August 22, 2018 General Meeting, members of the 31st District Democrats voted to adopt standing rules for non-candidate endorsements.
At the August 22, 2018 General Meeting, members of the 31st District Democrats voted to endorse Initiative 1639.
CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE (7pm) APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Chair) READ/APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Britt Kauffman) General meeting, July 25 E-Board meeting, August 8 TREASURER’S REPORT (Rudy Adams) OFFICERS’ & COMMITTEE REPORTS Chair Vice Chairs (King & Pierce) Member Outreach (Fairs) Candidate Recruitment Event Planning (Fundraising) Membership Committeepersons (King County, Pierce County,…