Opposing Initiative 976
Whereas the roads and highways of Washington State are some of the most congested in the nation resulting in people spending hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars stuck in traffic each year; and
Whereas dozens of bridges, tunnels and overpasses in Washington State are overdue for retrofitting and repair; and
Whereas I-976 repeals critical transportation funding, severely curtailing our ability to fix dangerous highways, retrofit bridges and overpasses, fund transit, expand light rail, maintain ferries, build voter-approved projects, improve freight corridors, and invest in the Washington State Patrol; and
Whereas improvements to our public transit systems is essential to efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lower our State’s carbon footprint, and combat the climate crisis; and
Whereas I-976, if passed, would exacerbate social injustice by reducing funds that pay for special services for senior citizens, veterans, children and people with disabilities; and
Therefore, be it resolved that we, the 31st Legislative District Democrats, urge all voters in our District to vote ‘No’ on Initiative 976; and
Therefore, be it finally resolved that we post this resolution on our website and other social media to inform the public of the urgency of defeating I-976.
To Be Considered October 23, 2019, at the General Meeting of the 31st Legislative District Democrats