31st L.D. Democrats General Meeting
February 27, 2019, 7pm
Edgewood Fire Station
Meeting was called to order at 7pm by Chair Brian Gunn followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Agenda:
M/S/C to approve the agenda,
Approval of Minutes: (Britt Kauffman)
- 11/28/18 General Meeting
- 1/12/19 Reorganization
- M/S/C to approve as submitted
Treasurer Report: (Rudy Adams)
- Kathy gave a report on audit results. M/S/C to approve as submitted
Guests/ Speakers
- Judge Marshal Ferguson, C. Superior Ct, Pos. 31; Seeking endorsement
- Karen Howe, C. Conservation Dist., Pos 1; Seeking endorsement
- Chris Porter, C. Conservation Dist., Pos. 1; Seeking endorsement
- Shasti Conrad, Chair, King Co. Democrats
- Kali Lasher-Sommers, Kim Schrier Political Action Dir.
- Julie Anne Kempf, Chair, 46thD.: Wa. Primary vs Caucus Debate
Officer & Committee Reports:
Ingrid: Meeting 3/1 @ 3:30p, Denneys @ Bonney Lk. Looking for donations items for potential auction.
Added 4 tonight!
DCC: King Co:
Mark Dunning reported Bylaws passed; Well organized process. Keeping larger board, See website for details.
DCC: Pierce Co:
Linda reported on E-Board. Stephanie reported they did a breakout to I.D Board priorities.
WA Central Comm:
Mark Boswell reported on Reorg; Priamry vs Caucus discussion; Rise & Run platform for potential candidates.
Tamara reported looking for assistance & content.
Brian reported they are providing oversight through inclusion to avoid future PDC conflicts.
Old Business:
New Business:
- 2019 Budget draft was submitted & reviewed. M/S/P as submitted.
- Candidate Questionnaire needs revision. Alli outlines specific changes needed. M/S/P to form Ad Hoc Committee: Alli, Stephanie, George & Jan were appointed by the Chair.
- M/S/P to suspend “endorsement eligibility timeframe” rules for tonight.
- M/S/P to endorse Judge Ferguson, Karen Howe & Chris Porter in their respective races.
- George McKay was appointed to the King Co. Endorsement Committee.
Good & Welfare:
M/S/C to adjourn at 9:08pm.
Submitted: Britt Kauffman, Secretary