Meeting Minutes – May 24, 2017

31st L.D. Democrats General Meeting
May 24th, 2017, 7pm
Edgewood Fire Station

Meeting was called to order at 7pm by Chair Brian Gunn and led Pledge of Allegiance.  M/S/C to approve agenda.

Approval of Minutes (Britt Kauffman)

Special Order of Business (Brian Gunn)

Candidate Endorsements

Each candidate was given 5 minutes to speak & take questions.  Candidates were then excused.

Results of endorsement votes were as follows:

Initiative Endorsements

2017 Budget & Treasurer Report: (Rudy Adams)

M/S/C to approve 2017 Budget as amended for office space. (See new business)

M/S/C to approve March Treasurer Report as submitted.

Officer Reports

Chair requested reports be postponed due to time constraints.

New Business

Bailey Stober, King Co. Democrat Chair, reported on the availability to share new office space in Auburn with King Co Democrats.  M/S/C to amend 2017 budget allotment of $700 for office space.  M/S/C to approve $100 per month rental fee for office space.

Bailey also gave an update on the status of the current landscape.  State party is turning resources to the 45th and 31st districts to push for success.  F/T Organizer is being hired to drive voter ID and turnout.

Members are urged to support and join King Co. Democrats.  Salmon Bake being held June XX.

Brian announced that the 31st King Co. Committee Vice Chair has resigned.  Three vacancies currently exist: 1 Male Vice Chair and 2 Alternates.

Requesting volunteers to begin doorbelling to ID voters on 5/27.  See Brian if interested.

Good of the Order

Linda: June is Men’s Health Month and Alzheimer’s Awareness Month.  Please go to to support.

Allison: Pierce Co. Democrats Night at Tacoma Rainiers, Friday, 5/26.  Go to website for tickets.

Donna: Need signups to staff booths at upcoming events.  Go to our website to sign up.

M/S/C to adjourn at 9:10pm.

Submitted: Britt Kauffman, Secretary

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